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Who can apply for this program?

A number of factors are considered when determining eligibility for Single Family Direct Home Loans. At a minimum, applicants must have an adjusted income that is at or below the applicable low-income limit for the area in which they wish to buy a house. They must also demonstrate a willingness and ability to repay debt.


Helpful Requirement Details:

• The interest rate is fixed, and based on current market rates at loan approval or closing, whichever is lower.


• When modified by payment assistance, the monthly mortgage payment can be reduced to as low as an effective 1 percent interest rate.


• The payback period is 33 years (38 years for very-low-income applicants who can’t afford a 33-year loan term).


• Down payments are not typically required, but applicants with assets higher than the asset limit can be required to use a portion of those assets.


For More Information Visit the RD.USDA.GOV WEBPAGE

USDA Direct 502 Program

Available at Cross Creek Bend, Goshen

USDA Direct 502 Loan Program

With the USDA Direct 502 Loan Program
monthly payments can be as low as $1650
for qualified buyers*.

*USDA Direct 502 Loan Program restrictions apply, see sales specialist for details.

Submit for USDA Direct 502 Program  Info

Are you a citizen or resident?
Do you have credit history?
Do you have a friend or family who may be interested?
Current Monthly Debt?
Are you working with a Realtor?
Have you worked with a USDA Direct Packager Before?
How Did you hear about Smee Homes?

Documents to bring for Pre-Qualification:

1. 3 Years of Tax Returns
2. Current Bank Statement– 3 months worth

3. One month worth of check (wage)
    or unemployment stubs

4. Social Security Cards

5. Drivers License

6. US Citizen – Resident Card 

Minimum Requirements:

-Make at least $55,000 per year; household income or self
-Not currently own a home
-Report all household members, including minors. Any income going into the home has to be reported and will be considered during the qualification process.
-Credit: Have no collections or late payments within the last 365 days
-Be a Citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States

Submitted! We'll reach out to you soon!

By submitting this form you give Smee Homes and it's representatives permission to contact you.

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